LV Counselling Psychotherapy, DBT and Mindfulness

Luka Hadrych, BSc (Hons), MSc, PGCert, PGDip, PGCert, PGCert, MBACP

Contact 07891901607

Luka is an experienced psychotherapist and intensively trained dialectical behaviour therapist working with individuals, couples and groups. He trained in a number of trauma-informed psychological disciplines and is skilled in evidence-based practice to reduce self-harming and impulsive behaviours, to improve people's capacity to regulate and safely experience emotions and to enhance the quality of relationships. When formulating people’s difficulties, he acknowledges the interplay between their emotional wellbeing, early experiences and the environments and relationships in which they currently operate.


Luka has provided individual and group psychological support to people experiencing various forms of distress in primary care and specialist NHS services, charity and community settings and independent practice. Between 2012 and 2017 he worked at a specialist personality disorder service in the NHS where adults with emotion regulation difficulties who were given the diagnosis of "emotionally unstable personality disorder" (EUPD) were supported with Dialectical Behaviour Therapy and Prolonged Exposure for Post-Traumatic Stress. For a number of years he also managed and conducted the 8-week Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) for Depression programme in the NHS.

Luka currently divides his time between working as an individual and couple therapist and workshop facilitator, and is available as a support consultant for therapists internationally. He also teaches mindfulness in corporate and community settings and runs personal development programmes and retreats. 

Successful therapy, in Luka’s opinion, can be measured by:

  • meaningful and tangible changes in behaviour that reflect your deepest values 
  • more authentic self-expression and social connectedness
  • coping more skillfully with personal challenges, troubling emotions and life events
  • ability to experiment with life and reframe unhelpful beliefs
  • increase in self-awareness, receptivity and flexibility 
  • relating with others in ways that enhance your self-respect
  • responding to yourself with more self-compassion, light-heartedness and play!

Academic qualifications

  • MSc in Clinical and Community Psychology, University of East London
  • Post-Graduate Diploma in Counselling and Psychotherapy (UKCP), Roehampton University
  • Post-Graduate Certificate in Dialectical Behaviour Therapy, Bangor University
  • Post-Graduate Certificate in Focusing-Oriented Psychotherapy, University of East Anglia
  • Post-Graduate Certificate in Psychological Wellbeing Practice (LI CBT), Canterbury Christ Church University

Post-qualifying training

  • Dialectical Behaviour Therapy: Luka's core DBT training with British Isles DBT National Training Team was in 2012. It was followed by continuous professional development, weekly team consultation and advanced DBT training. In 2014 Luka received expert supervision from Dr Heidi Heard who was one of the original researchers and developers of DBT affiliated to The Linehan Institute Behavioral Tech
  • DBT Prolonged Exposure Therapy for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: Dr Melanie Harned, The Linehan Institute
  • Emotionally Focused Therapy for Couples: Externship and Advanced Core Skills Training (Levels 1-4 out of 4) with Dr Scott Woolley and Dr Zoya Simakhodskaya, The International Centre for Excellence in Emotionally Focused Therapy (ICEEFT)
  • Emotionally Focused Therapy for Individuals (Trauma-Focused): Levels 1-2 out of 2 with Dr Sue Johnson and Dr Leanne Campbell, The International Centre for Excellence in Emotionally Focused Therapy (ICEEFT)
  • Building A Lasting Connection. Facilitator Training: Relationship enhancement workshop for couples wanting a deeper and lasting connection, Dr Debi Gilmore and Dr Rebecca Jorgensen
  • Radically Open DBT for Disorders of Over-control: Intensive training for difficulties associated with excessive self-control related to anorexia nervosa, treatment-resistant depression, chronic anxiety, autism spectrum, perfectionism and obsessive compulsive personality, Professor Thomas Lynch and the Radically Open Ltd Team
  • Mentalization-Based Treatment (MBT): Foundational Training, Anna Freud Centre
  • Narrative Exposure Therapy for Trauma: Vivo International and Institute for Psychotrauma, London
  • Therapeutic Programme NEST for People with Experiences of Childhood Neglect, Violence (psychological, physical and sexual) and Reproductive Losses (miscarriage, abortion and stillbirth): International Association NEST (New Experiences for Survivors of Trauma)
  • Certificate in Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy, Integrative Psychiatry Institute
  • Training in Emotional Release: Psycho-Somatic and Bodywork Facilitation (200 hours, levels 1-3 out of 3), NEO Emotional Release Institute

Therapeutic approach

Luka trained in a number of therapeutic models, including relational, psychodynamic, experiential and behavioural therapies. He also continued his development in couple counselling and attachment-based therapies and enjoys supporting couples in regaining and enhancing their emotional intimacy, safety and trust. Luka has extensively studied happiness, human behaviour, relationships, Western and Eastern psychology and mindfulness for the last 20 years. Luka's journey of personal growth has brought him through his own therapy experiences, retreats, self-compassion workshops, and the study of Zen and indigenous wisdom. These experiences enable him to tailor your therapy experience to your emotional needs and concerns.

Luka sees therapy as a collaborative, heart-centred process and he will enjoy working with and supporting you if you want to free yourself from emotional suffering, raise your confidence and cope more skillfully with personal challenges, troubling emotions and life events. He works in an invitational, non-judgemental and gently challenging way. Inspired by his core training in relational counselling, Luka recognises the importance of human relationships and their potential for healing and he puts the relationships with clients at the heart of his therapeutic work. He has special interest in the therapeutic use of meditation and somatic work in the modern world.

Personal Philosophy
Luka believes in treating his clients as a person rather than just their condition or difficulty. His primary aim is to provide a warm, trusting relationship through which you will be able to develop new perspectives on difficult or problematic personal issues. Luka will be committed to work with you and support you whichever diverse background you are from and will respect your individuality at all times. This includes respect for your race, sexual orientation, culture, spiritual beliefs and lifestyle choices. He has worked effectively with clients from the UK and from all over Europe, Middle East, Asia, Latin America, USA, the Caribbean and Africa.


Fees for face to face and online sessions

Individual therapy, DBT and couple therapy sessions: £100-£135
DBT skills class £85
MBT group therapy £80

Tel: 07891901607

I work from the following venues:

49A Long Lane
London Bridge

Brighter Spaces
2A Prebend Street,
N1 8PT


Luka Hadrych: <SMALL>London Bridge & Skype</SMALL>. LukaBACPLogo2


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